Some of you might remember last May when we did an article on the Film Festival. Well, we had another Film Festival put on by Jay and Beau. There was a whole week of crew member running around the ship trying to get a film done. When the day of the festival came the whole crew got dressed up and attended this "premiere." This year there were ten different entries. They ranged from comedy to fights, to romance, to the remake of a book and even a selection of poetry. There were a number of prizes and no team went un-rewarded. Each team had to include the phrase "It's a Trap" and a bottle cap. Yes, the bottle cap from the old soda bottles.
Early Bird Registration
Enormous Madonna stickers.
Several Teams
Cutest Picture Award
Cool Certificate
Journey to the Center of the Earth Elementary Girls
Most Original Content
Awesome Certificate
Original Poetic Vignettes – Tom
“Wild Card” – Most Imaginative. (First Prize)
Abstract Sierra Leone art pieces.
A Lizard’s Tale - Cairnecross Clan
Best Musical (First Prize)
Special selection of local Sierra Leone music. (5 CDs)
Bunny Chow Love – Allison, Selvanus, Carmen
Best Comedy (First Prize)
Collection of Local Sierra Leone Films.(5 DVDs)
Mastermind – Alex and Stuart
Best Drama (First Prize)
Loud Sierra Leone Drama Movie Posters (5)
Sal & Amor – Juan, Ville, Lycia, Marco, Federica
Best Visual Effects - Costumes, Special FX, etc. (First Prize)
'Oakley' and 'Nike' sunglasses. (5 pair)
The Man in the Apron – Josh
Celebrity Judge’s Choice (First Prize)
Signed photo of Dr Gary Parker. (5)
Under the Ship—Anna
AMIFF 2011 Best Film (Grand Prize)
Mamba restaurant meal! (5)
So You Think you Can Dance Africa Mercy—Murray, Jeff L, Jeff H, Rob, Christoph
Razzie Award (Last Prize)
A giant bag of rice.
Chicken Fight -
Beau and Jay
A ton of the crew got together for pictures afterwords to remember the day.
One of the people started a dance called the Virginia Reel so there was a lovely amount of people dancing in the middle of the cafe.
All in all we had a fun time. I can defiantly say that I can't wait for the next festival.